The Third Visitor.

I stumbled up the stairs, on my way to bed, when I suddenly saw a movement in the air, I didn’t recognise what it was, so I turned on all the lights to see what it was. After one hour of my mum shouting at me to turn off the lights, I finally saw it in my mums room, I ran down there and it had disappeared out of nowhere. I slowly went to bed when my mum shouted at me, “What did I tell you about the lights!” And I said there is something in this house with us!

Bad News!

I ran down the red, hot stairs, covered in flames. I see my family out the front of the burning house, I was overwhelmed at this point,I run to the green garden, turning into ash, I slam the back door open and jump over the fence and run. The next day, I walk down to my house and I saw a television through my next door neighbours house, I saw a scientist with some kind of species of animal behind him and with the words that he said was mouth-dropping. He said I had been pronounced dead!

#1 creation

I was walking down the pathway peacefully, when I noticed a building in the distance. The building looked nice, it was colourful. I jogged over to the building and it was a designer shop. I had never seen a designer store before, especially here. I walked into the building and there was nice looking jackets, shoes but what caught my eye was the best of them all, a pink feathered, red lensed glasses! It was stunning when I saw it, it looked like a famous celebrity made it, but it was eye-catching!